akkoyun, emine fulyaDEMİRBAŞ, AHMET EMİNGÜMÜŞ, HASAN ÖNDERALKAN, BANU ARZUALKAN, ALPER2019-12-292019-12-292017-05-27akkoyun e. f. , DEMİRBAŞ A. E. , GÜMÜŞ H. Ö. , ALKAN B. A. , ALKAN A., -Immediate Patient-Specific Root Analogue Direct Laser Metal Sintering (DLMS) Implants: Preliminary Results of a Clinical Study-, TAOMS 24. Uluslararası Bilimsel Kongresi, 23 - 27 Mayıs 2017https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/11067-Immediate Patient-Specific Root Analogue Direct Laser Metal Sintering (DLMS) Implants: Preliminary Results of a Clinical Study-Conference Paper4588774