Gareayaghi, NesrinAkkus, SeherSaribas, SuatDemiryas, SuleymanOzbey, DogukanKepil, NurayDemirci, MehmetDİNÇ, HARİKA ÖYKÜAkcin, RuveydaUysal, OmerTokman, Hrisi BaharKocazeybek, Bekir2022-08-202022-08-202021-10-01Gareayaghi N., Akkus S., Saribas S., Demiryas S., Ozbey D., Kepil N., Demirci M., DİNÇ H. Ö. , Akcin R., Uysal O., et al., -Epstein-Barr Virus and Helicobacter pylori co-infection in patients with gastric cancer and duodenale ulcer-, NEW MICROBIOLOGICA, cilt.44, sa.4, ss.217-226, 2021 aimed to detect EBV/Hp (Epstein-Barr Virus/Helicobacter pylori) co-infection by determining the number of copies of EBV/EBER-1 in the gastric biopsy samples of the Hp (+) GC, peptic ulcer (PU), and non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) Virus and Helicobacter pylori co-infection in patients with gastric cancer and duodenale ulcerArticleWOS:0007430891000018512345393034942011