Balcı, Hüseyin FurkanKocaoglu, M.Sen, C.Eralp, L.Batibay, S. G.Bilsel, K.2019-10-052019-10-052015-11-01Balcı H. F. , Kocaoglu M., Sen C., Eralp L., Batibay S. G. , Bilsel K., -Bilateral humeral lengthening in achondroplasia with unilateral external fixators IS IT SAFE AND DOES IT IMPROVE DAILY LIFE?-, BONE & JOINT JOURNAL, ss.1577-1581, 2015 retrospective study was performed in 18 patients with achondroplasia, who underwent bilateral humeral lengthening between 2001 and 2013, using monorail external fixators.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBilateral humeral lengthening in achondroplasia with unilateral external fixators IS IT SAFE AND DOES IT IMPROVE DAILY LIFE?Article26530664