Bozer, CüneytUzmansel, DenizDönmez, DidemParlak, MUHAMMEDBeger, OrhanElvan, Özlem2020-10-292020-10-292018-12-01Bozer C., Uzmansel D., Dönmez D., Parlak M., Beger O., Elvan Ö., -The effects of the communicating branch between medial and lateral plantar nerves on the innervations of the foot lumbrical muscles-, Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, cilt.67, ss.130-132, 2018 effects of the communicating branch between medial and lateral plantar nerves on the innervations of the foot lumbrical musclesArticleWOS:0004523215000078505674255710.1016/j.jasi.2018.11.006