KILINÇ, YAĞMUR BAŞAKSARI, LÜTFULLAHKARABULUT, ÜMMÜHAN EBRUAYKAN, MAHMUT ESATTOPRAK, HÜSEYİN2020-06-052020-06-052020-05-13KILINÇ Y. B. , SARI L., KARABULUT Ü. E. , AYKAN M. E. , TOPRAK H., -MR Enterography Features of Jejunal Lipoma Causing Intussusception: A Unique Case Report-, INDIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 2020 usually occurs in children due to benign causes, whereas in adults, it is mostly caused by malign causes in the colon. On the other hand, the causes of small bowel intussusceptions in adulthood are usually benign, such as polyps, lipomas, adenomas, and Meckel-s diverticulum. Intestinal lipomas are an uncommon entity among benign tumors. Here, we present MR enterography features of jejunojejunal intussusception caused by an intramural lipoma.enMR Enterography Features of Jejunal Lipoma Causing Intussusception: A Unique Case ReportArticleWOS:0005326249000048508483583110.1007/s12262-020-02317-5