Karslıoglu, TKarasu, AFGYildiz, PELİN2020-01-162020-01-162020-01-06Karslıoglu T., Karasu A., Yildiz P., -The Effects of Micronized Progesterone and Cabergoline On a Rat Autotransplantation Endometriosis Model: A Placebo Controlled Randomized Trial.-, Journal of investigative surgery : the official journal of the Academy of Surgical Research, ss.1-5, 2020https://openaccess.bezmialem.edu.tr/handle/20.500.12645/13296The Effects of Micronized Progesterone and Cabergoline On a Rat Autotransplantation Endometriosis Model: A Placebo Controlled Randomized Trial.ArticleWOS:00050588070000110.1080/08941939.2019.170544231906754