KARACI, ARSASMAZEL, AAYDEMIR, NASARITAS, THARMANDAR, BTuncel, ZELÄ°HAUNDAR, A2020-10-292020-10-292011-11-01KARACI A., SASMAZEL A., AYDEMIR N., SARITAS T., HARMANDAR B., Tuncel Z., UNDAR A., -Comparison of parameters for detection of splanchnic hypoxia in children undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass with pulsatile versus nonpulsatile normothermia or hypothermia during congenital heart surgeries.-, Artificial organs, cilt.35, ss.1010-7, 2011http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/25617Comparison of parameters for detection of splanchnic hypoxia in children undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass with pulsatile versus nonpulsatile normothermia or hypothermia during congenital heart surgeries.ArticleWOS:0002972012000068185519279510.1111/j.1525-1594.2011.01378.x