Gürses, Hülya NilgünDenizoğlu Külli, HilalDurgut, ElifZeren, Melih2020-07-292020-07-292020-07-01Gürses HN, Denizoğlu Külli H, Durgut E, Zeren M. Effect of Gender and Physical Activity Level on Sit-to-Stand Test Performance Among Young Adults. Bezmialem Science 2020;8(3):222-6https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/18307Objective: Our study aimed to determine the sit-to-stand (STS) test performance and physical activity levels of young adults and investigate the relationship of STS tests with gender and physical activity levels. Methods: Sixty volunteers randomly performed the 5xSTS, 10sSTS, 30sSTS and 60sSTS tests. Fatigue was rated using the Borg category ratio scale. Physical activity level and weekly energy expenditure of volunteers were calculated using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Results: The 5xSTS, 10sSTS, 30sSTS and 60sSTS test scores were statistically different between genders (p=0.004; p=0.002; p=0.000; p=0.000, respectively). Fatigue levels after STS tests did not show any difference between genders (p=0.636; p=0.295; p=0.888; p=0.150, respectively). Weekly energy expenditures were positively correlated with STS tests except 5xSTS test (r=-0.458, p=0.000; r=0.427, p=0.001; r=0.606, p=0.000; r=0.545, p=0.000, respectively). All STS tests had significant differences between participants with moderate or high physical activity level (p=0.016; p=0.007; p=0.000; p=0.000, respectively). Conclusion: Our study shows that STS tests scores correlate to gender and physical activity levels in young adults.trSit-to stand testfunctional capacityweekly energy expenditureadolescentEffect of Gender and Physical Activity Level on Sit-to-Stand Test Performance Among Young AdultsArticleWOS:00056070810000310.14235/bas.galenos.2019.3541376417