İŞSEVER, HalimOzyildirim, BEDİAInce, NurhanInce, HalukBayraktarli, RecepIsik, ErolAYVAZ, ÖzkanGelincik, Asli AkkorERELEL, MustafaOzdilli, KusratGungor, Gunay Yilmaz2020-10-222020-10-222011-01-01İŞSEVER H., Ozyildirim B., Ince N., Ince H., Bayraktarli R., Isik E., AYVAZ Ö., Gelincik A. A. , ERELEL M., Ozdilli K., et al., -RESPIRATORY FUNCTIONS OF THE PEOPLE WORKING IN SOLID WASTE STORAGE CENTERS IN ISTANBUL-, NOBEL MEDICUS, cilt.7, ss.29-36, 2011http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/24923Objective: Solid storage sanitarian workers are exposed to many chemical and physical hazards. The aim of this study is to find out the environmental effects of the work-places on the respiratory functions of the people working in solid waste storage centers.RESPIRATORY FUNCTIONS OF THE PEOPLE WORKING IN SOLID WASTE STORAGE CENTERS IN ISTANBULArticleWOS:000290003500006