Su Küçük, ÖzlemGüneş, BegümTaşlidere, NazanIşik, Bengisu GüçkanAkaslan, Tahsin ÇağdaşÖzgen, Fatma PelinBahali, Anıl Gülsel2022-01-272022-01-272022-01-17Su Küçük Ö., Güneş B., Taşlidere N., Işik B. G. , Akaslan T. Ç. , Özgen F. P. , Bahali A. G. , -Evaluation of adult patients with atopic dermatitis treated with dupilumab: a single-center real-life experience.-, Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 2022 of adult patients with atopic dermatitis treated with dupilumab: a single-center real-life experience.Article10.1111/jocd.1478535038377