TÜRKDOĞAN, MEHMET KÜRŞATKIZILTAN, HÜRİYE ŞENAYGÜNEŞ BAYIR, AYŞEKAYAR, YUSUFŞENTÜRK, HAKANİNCE, ALİ TÜZÜNKOCAMAN, ORHANDanalıoğlu, Ahmed2022-06-122022-06-122014-06-25TÜRKDOĞAN M. K. , KIZILTAN H. Ş. , GÜNEŞ BAYIR A., KAYAR Y., ŞENTÜRK H., İNCE A. T. , KOCAMAN O., Danalıoğlu A., Danalıoğlu A., -The evaluation of cellular and humoral immunity characteristics in gastrointestinal and hepatocellular cancers-, 16th world congress on gastrointestinal cancer, Barcelona, İspanya, 25 - 28 Haziran 2014http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/30731The evaluation of cellular and humoral immunity characteristics in gastrointestinal and hepatocellular cancersConference Paper104918110.1093/annoc/mdu165.4