İpek, BETÜL ESRAYüksel, MeralCumbul, AlevErcan, FerihaCabadak, HülyaAydın, BanuAlican, İnci2022-08-202022-08-202022-08-10İpek B. E. , Yüksel M., Cumbul A., Ercan F., Cabadak H., Aydın B., Alican İ., -The Effect of Metformin on Ethanol- and Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulcers in Rats.-, The Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology, 2022http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/30892The Effect of Metformin on Ethanol- and Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulcers in Rats.Article10.5152/tjg.2022.21195