Kilicoglu, Mehmet SerkanRezvani, AylinYurdakul, Ozan VolkanKucukakkas, OkanAydin, TeomanMaheu, Emmanuel2021-05-022021-05-022021-04-27Kilicoglu M. S. , Rezvani A., Yurdakul O. V. , Kucukakkas O., Aydin T., Maheu E., -Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Turkish version of the Functional Index for Hand Osteoarthritis (FIHOA).-, Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association, 2021 adaptation and validation of the Turkish version of the Functional Index for Hand Osteoarthritis (FIHOA).Article10.1016/j.jos.2021.03.00233931280