UNVER, NURCANCOBAN, GANİMEARıCı, DİLEK SEMABUYUKPıNARBASıLı, NURGucin, ZÜHALMALYA, FATMA ÜMİTONARAN, OITOPALAN, K2019-10-052019-10-052019-04-01UNVER N., COBAN G., ARıCı D. S. , BUYUKPıNARBASıLı N., Gucin Z., MALYA F. Ü. , ONARAN O., TOPALAN K., -Unusual Histopathological Findings in Appendectomy Specimens: A Retrospective Analysis of 2047 Cases.-, International journal of surgical pathology, cilt.27, ss.142-146, 2019https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/3651enUnusual Histopathological Findings in Appendectomy Specimens: A Retrospective Analysis of 2047 Cases.ArticleWOS:0004609100000038505030751110.1177/106689691878465030021480