DURGUT, ELİFDENİZOĞLU KÜLLİ, HİLALZENGİN ALPÖZGEN, AYŞEGÜRSES, HÜLYA NİLGÜN2020-10-302020-10-302017-05-18DURGUT E., DENİZOĞLU KÜLLİ H., ZENGİN ALPÖZGEN A., GÜRSES H. N. , -The results of the tests of basic motor skills and gross motor function measure in a case with down syndrome-, 29th EACD Conference, Amsterdam, Hollanda, 17 - 20 Mayıs 2017http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/27083The results of the tests of basic motor skills and gross motor function measure in a case with down syndromeConference Paper3981393