Usta, CerenTanyeri-Bayraktar, BilgeBayraktar, Suleyman2020-12-222020-12-222020-12-01Usta C., Tanyeri-Bayraktar B., Bayraktar S., -Pain Control with Lavender Oil in Premature Infants: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Study-, JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 2020 Aromatherapy has become popular in pain control in recent years compared with other complementary methods. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Miller) is a fragrant essential oil used in aromatherapy for its antibacterial, antifungal, muscle-relaxing, and analgesic effects. The smell of lavender oil, known for its soothing effect on adults, has not been adequately investigated in regards to pain control in premature infants. The purpose of our study was to assign the effect of the scent of lavender oil on pain in preterm infants during heel lancing.Pain Control with Lavender Oil in Premature Infants: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled StudyArticleWOS:00059506220000110.1089/acm.2020.032733259721