KABA, YUSUF NURİDEMİRBAŞ, AHMET EMİNKÜTÜK, NÜKHETGÜNAY CANPOLAT, DİLEKALKAN, ALPER2020-09-302020-09-302019-04-28http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12645/19665enKABA Y. N. , DEMİRBAŞ A. E. , KÜTÜK N., GÜNAY CANPOLAT D., ALKAN A., -Evaluation of The Effects of Pre-emptive Intravenous Dexketoprophen Trometamol On Postoperative Pain In Orthognathic Surgery-, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society (ACBID) 13th International Congress with EACMFS Endorsement, Antalya, Türkiye, 24 - 28 Nisan 2019, cilt.1, ss.126Evaluation of The Effects of Pre-emptive Intravenous Dexketoprophen Trometamol On Postoperative Pain In Orthognathic SurgeryConference Paper5351759